Il Giornale di Vicenza, 14/12/2024

Celebrating 35 years on Crete island (Greece)

Nea Eparxia (Sitia, Crete): Tuesday, July 5th 2022

Il Giornale di Vicenza, 6 Gennaio, 2020  (Italy) di Marica Rossi.

Gatte Vicentine“, 12 December 2019 (Italy)

Intime Magazine: “Scamozzi, little palaces in the landscape” 11/6 November/December 2016 (Italy)

Kyoss Magazine: “Pensieri e riflessioni da un architetto del passato” Giugno/June 2016 (Italy)

Case & Dimore: “La mano che ferma il tempo” nr. 23 Aprile/April 2016 (Italy)

AreAArte: “La verità nei dettagli” nr. 18 Estate/Summer 2014 (Italy)

SPECIALE QUI TOURING TCI: The Padova Issue. May-June 2014 (Italy)
La Domenica di Vicenza: “L’omaggio a Scamozzi” 04 April 2014 (Italy)
Touring Club Italiano: “Scamozzi: l’architetto scienziato” 26 March 2014 (Italy)
Giornale di Vicenza: 25 March 2014 (Italy)
VicenzaReport: 21 March 2014 (Italy)
Il Giornale di Vicenza: 18 January 2014 (Italy)

SPECIALE QUI TOURING TCI: The Veneto Issue. March-April 2011 (Italy)

“Inspired by a Renaissance master, Giovanni Giaconi creates exquisite architectural renderings for today…You don’t have to own a villa, whether it’s a castle or a town house, a country place, a city home, I can draw it.” by Celia McGee. (USA)
Kevin McCloud‘s Grand tour of Europe. Spring 2009. (UK)

GENTE VIAGGI – September, 2008:
“D’estate vive a Creta. Pratica e insegna windsurf alla Freak Station, è lì che l’ho conosciuto, sulla spiaggia di Kouremenos, una manciata di chilometri dalla più famosa Vai, sulla costa nordest dell’isola…” di Marco Pagani. (Italy)

DCASA – La Repubblica, May 31, 2008:
“La differenza principale è che loro non hanno Palladio, perciò lo sognano proprio perche’ è lontano, e spesso, devo riconoscere, lo conoscono meglio di noi italiani” di Francesca Gentile. (Italy)

GENTE VIAGGI August 2007 (Italy)

PLANCHE MAGazine April 2007 #297 (France)

TRADITIONAL HOME, September 2005:
For armchair travelers, try Italian watercolorist Giovanni Giaconi’s beautifully illustrated The Villas of Palladio, which includes American architect Kim Williams’ brief descriptions of each villa. by Hugh Howard and Doris Athineos. (USA)
MONEY December 2003 (USA)
“TEMPO” November 2003 (Indonesia)
COUNTRY LIFE, November 2003:
This is a timely and beautiful book in fact it is so fine that it deserves to be called a volume. The drawings are coloured and highly finished. by Colin Amery. (UK)
“” October 2003
INTERIOR DESIGN, October 2003:
“Sometimes drawings are more informative than photographs. This is certainly true for Palladian facades, where proportions and planar relationships merit exact study.” (USA)
“…carefully scaled, meticulously detailed, lovingly colored…the watercolors form a wonderful historical record of the villas’ condition today…Giaconi brings a fluid grace to his subject, perhaps acquired while riding the surf.” by Clifford A. Pearson. (USA)
“VIEWmagazine” September 2003 (Italy)
“Vera” April 2001 (Italy)
ABITARE #393 March 2000 (Italy)
“Casa Viva” October 1999 (Italy)
“Carnet” #9 September 1999 (Italy)
“domus” #818 September 1999 (Italy)
“IL MANIFESTO ” December 1997 (Italy)
CASA VOGUE #275 July-August 1995 (Italy)
ABITARE #335 December 1994 (Italy)